Making Love: Love Stories from the Makers at M & R Vol. 3 American-made love

In honor of Valentine's Day we asked some of our favorite Makers to tell us their love stories. We will be presenting their stories to you in a 3 part series we are calling Making Love: Love Stories from the Makers at M & R.  

Vol. 2 Rebecca Stevens

Rebecca Stevens is a force for good. She is the arthur of two wonderful cookbooks titled Soup Love: 12 simple seasonal soup recipes and Love Sandwich: 36 simple recipes for picnics. She cares about good food and good people. I am happy to know her and super happy to say- stay tuned for more info on her exciting new adventure in the food world! Her love story awaits... 

When I first met my boyfriend he was married! I remember talking to him on the sidewalk in front of a cafe where I had worked when I first moved away from home. His wife and baby were somewhere in the background. He was wearing tight black jeans and checkerboard vans, and I got the sense that he was some kind of punk rock businessman. As he walked away I remember thinking "when do I get to be with someone like that?" 

About five years later I was was 32 and working at a raw vegan restaurant. I had left a more serious cooking job partly because it required me to work every Friday and Saturday night and I had let it go in hopes of finding a mate. I had in fact asked the universe quite recently for a man; somebody older who wanted to be my boyfriend, who was creative and had a positive relationship with money. I had been there nearly a year, and had put in my notice. It was one of my last nights working there when he came in. 

Even though I didn't know him I said "it's you!" and we clasped hands above the cash register. It was really busy and I had missed my break, so around 9 I walked out front. He was walking out too and we talked on the sidewalk. He was cold and asked could we go to his car and get his sweater? We then sat in his car, him wearing this yellow mohair vintage sweater talking about my career and his donut company (Pepples Donut Farm- featuring vegan doughnuts). We talked for 30 solid minutes and just as I got up to go back to work I had this sense. He's not married anymore.

The next day I rode my bike to get coffee at that same cafe where I had once had a job and he was there. When I got home my phone rang and it was him. We had dinner in my apartment and spent the night in his Airstream Trailer. I still love his outfits and our shared passion for food and all things creative. And I'm glad I waited for what I really wanted.

me josh and our bikes. west oakland about seven years ago.

Rebecca's cookbooks can be purchased in person at the shop or online here.
kerri johnson

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