The Van Project

We are excited to announce that the Van Project has launched!
Participating Artists: Jason Byers, Jon Carling, John Casey, Bruk Dunbar, Narangkar Glover, Golden West Signs, Marcos Lafarga, Michael McConnell, Lisa Solomon, Team Print Shop, Gina Tuzzi.
The artist produced vans are now online and ready for bidding! We were excited to work with some very, very, talented Bay Area artists who each painted a one of a kind ceramic van that also happens to be a functioning piggy bank. A special shout out to Bruk Dunbar who created the mold for the project, created the ceramic blanks, worked with artists painting in glazes AND fired all of the vans in her studio (Trainhole Studios in Berkeley). We can't thank her enough for lending her expertise and patience.
Click here to go to the auction.
The profits from the auction will go to Meals on Wheels an important organization that helps many of our neighbors everyday by delivering food and providing human contact to many people who live alone and cannot get out of their homes.
I would also personally like to thank all the fabulous artists for participating in this project and helping out their community. This has been a project that has been in my head for over 3 years now and to see it come to life with the involvement and enthusiasm of such amazing people is heartwarming.
Wishing you all a peaceful and joyous holiday season.
Happy Bidding,
PS- two of the production color vans are also available for sale on our website. 10% if the profits from these vans will go to Meals on Wheels.
Click images to go directly to the auction page: